Harry Potter "the only gay in the village" says G. P. Taylor

"Shadowmancer" author G. P. Taylor was asked to leave a comprehensive that he was talking at when he mentioned the words "bum", "bogey", "crap", and "pee" and also referred to Harry Potter as "the only gay in the village".

Headteacher Barbara Vann said "His language was going to go even further but he stopped himself. He started to use the F-word and that is not acceptable in a school environment."

However, G. P. Taylor said that he had described TV as being "crap" in comparison to books, and used the word bogey whilst talking about "Fungus the Bogeyman", an established children's classic. G. P. Taylor is also an ordained priest, so must be well practiced to the art of inoffensive public speaking. Besides, he has given the same talk at many other schools without any objections. With regards to the remark about Harry Potter being "the only gay in the village", G. P. Taylor had accurately assessed that his audience of 12 to 13 year olds would be familiar with this catchphrase from TV's "Little Britain".

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