Taichi Yamada is the author of “In Search of a Distant Voice” and the spooky “Strangers”. However, we at Authortrek are puzzled by a spooky mystery surrounding the author, as some websites portray him as a young man, and others as an older man. Both younger and older Taichi Yamadas wrote a novel called “Strangers” and are said to have worked as scriptwriters for the Shockiku film studios. “Taichi Yamada” seems to be a popular Japanese name, so we think 2 Taichi Yamadas may have been mixed up. Or Maybe they are father and son?
Taichi Yamada – a profile of the younger Taichi
Biography – of the older Taichi Yamada
If you know which Taichi Yamada wrote "In Search of a Distant Voice", and anything more about him, then please let us know!