Daniel Radcliffe wants Harry Potter to die!

Daniel Radcliffe has said that he wants Harry Potter to die in the final film: “I think it would be a very good ending if he had to die in order for evil Voldemort to die… (but) I wouldn't want it to be sentimental. I don't like sentimental ends to books or films.” Radcliffe has also hinted that he may not appear in the last 2 films, but we at Authortrek.com think that this is about as likely as Ewan McGregor not appearing in Star Wars Episodes II and III (i.e. not very likely).

For more Harry Potter news, and a J K Rowling biography with links to J K Rowling interviews, articles, reviews, and a "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" reading guide, visit:http://www.authortrek.com/j_k_rowling_page.html